Wisdom from a Mother Dog: The Art of Puppy Socialization and Training

Woof! The name’s Lady, and I’ve been around my fair share of puppies—some well-behaved, and some not so well-behaved—throughout my long life. But don’t let this grey muzzle fool you. I’m as sharp as a tack and full of helpful (unsolicited?) advice about how to raise a puppy right. So, if you’ve recently brought home [...]

Understanding Pet Health Insurance: Is it Right for Your Furry Friend?

Our pets are more than just animals—they're beloved members of our families. That's why more pet parents than ever are thinking about how to ensure their pets get the care they need when faced with an unexpected illness or injury.  Inflation is affecting nearly every aspect of life today, and it’s making it more difficult [...]

Gesundheit! 6 Fast Facts About Feline Upper Respiratory Infections

Upper respiratory infections (URIs) are extremely common in cats. These highly transmissible illnesses spread rapidly among vulnerable cats, causing classic respiratory signs. Although some respiratory infections can be mild and self-limiting, others can cause cats to experience dangerous complications, including anorexia (i.e., inappetence), pneumonia, and respiratory distress. To help your cat breathe easy and avoid [...]

Hydration Hacks: How to Increase Your Cat’s H₂O Intake

Cats have a reputation for being finicky, and they can be extremely finicky about their drinking habits. Cats are often less than enthusiastic about staying hydrated, which poses a potential health risk. Ensuring your feline friend consumes enough water is vital for their overall wellbeing, so our team at Cane Bay Veterinary Clinic shares tips [...]

DVM Q&A: Get to Know Dr. Baker

At Cane Bay Veterinary Clinic, we understand that your pet isn’t simply a companion but a beloved and important family member, and, as a family member, they deserve a veterinary care team you can trust. You want a veterinarian who answers your questions—large or small—with patience and kindness, celebrates your pet’s little victories, and works [...]

5 Tips to Support Your Senior Pet

The companionship of a senior pet is something special. Whether you’ve had your pet since they were young or have recently adopted a grey-muzzled furry friend, you know that the bond you share is powerful, and you want to ensure you enjoy many more years together. While our pets’ lives will always feel too short, [...]

Tipping the Scales: How To Manage Your Pet’s Weight

Pudgy pets are a common sight, but while their chubbiness can seem adorable, obesity has significant implications for your pet’s overall health and wellbeing. Our team at Cane Bay Veterinary Clinic explains this growing concern that is dangerous for pets and how you can help ensure your pet maintains a healthy weight.  Pet obesity is [...]

Frequently Asked Questions About Cognitive Dysfunction in Senior Pets

If your senior pet appears confused and disoriented in familiar settings and has seemingly forgotten their house-training, their signs could be more than a result of normal aging. While some behavioral and cognitive changes are to be expected as a pet ages, cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), similar to a human’s dementia or Alzheimer's disease, is [...]

5 Ways to Celebrate Your Pet’s Birthday

Your pet is a part of the family, and you likely want to celebrate special milestones such as the day they were born or the day they were rescued. Your pet makes your life better every day, and they deserve a grand birthday celebration like any other family member. Sure, the naysayers may point out [...]

Let the Light Shine: Laser Therapy for Pets

When your pet is in pain, you want them to receive the best treatment available to restore their comfort. Laser therapy is a surgery-free modality that harnesses light’s energy to minimize your pet’s pain and inflammation, expediting their healing. Although this innovative treatment option is cause for optimism, you likely have questions about how the [...]

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